Saturday, September 6, 2008

No More Worries

I opened the kids' devotional book on Thursday to read with them and it was Devotional #56 Give Your Worries to God

The Bible verse read, "Give all your worries to Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

There are lots of worries in our home right now, so we decided to write our concerns down on strips of paper. We took turns praying and giving our worries to our Lord. For a visual, we stuck them on a cross on our door. I went first and put one of my worries on the cross. Jordan said, "you put it on backwards - no one can see what you wrote". Exactly - it is no longer my worry or anyone else's worry in this house! What an amazing gift of grace and love through the cross.

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom." Psalm 145:3

When we focus on praising our Lord rather than trying to figure out what He is doing, our attitude does change. He is GOD and His greatness I cannot even begin to understand! With all of the unknowns in the Bryans' home right now, I am most thankful that one thing never changes - GOD.


  1. What a beautiful visual. I think I am going to make myself one of those! :) We love you guys so much!

  2. Aw - what a wonderful thing to do with your family and I pray God gives you peace in the waiting. I know it's so hard but isn't it great to know that He invites us to cast our cares on Him B/C HE CARES FOR YOU? Sometimes our cares want to stick to us like velcro but doing an active exercise like you did helps keep them attached to the cross and not ourselves. I just love you guys!

    Kathy Attardi

  3. So great!! We should all have a cross with our worries on it! Thanks for sharing- and know that we are still prayin'! love- the foster's
