Molly performed with her preschool at Alliance Academy (Luke & Jordan's school) for their chapel. All of the kids were dressed as different animals and sang "Animal Action". They also sang a beautiful praise song in Spanish. During the teaching time, Molly had the opportunity to be in a skit. The Ecuadorian children spoke English and Molly spoke Spanish. Our little duck enjoyed her time on the stage!
Alliance Kids is an amazing new preschool where Molly is learning Spanish. She gets to go three mornings a week. All of her friends except for one speak Spanish, and Molly likes to talk - so at school she is speaking Spanish/English/and Spanglish!
Molly and Luciana (the lion)- the only 2 girls in the preschool!
Molly and her best buddy, Pedro Jose (the horse)
Molly is all smiles next to Jordan after her performance at chapel.
When leaving the school, Molly found Luke at recess. I am not sure who was the most excited when they saw each other.
She even let Jesus wear her duck costume - all of the Casa G boys taught Molly the peace sign. The funny part is that Molly just hit her chest twice and then held up the peace sign.
molly makes a really adorable duck! miss you guys and praying for you. love getting your updates!