Casa Gabriel had the privilege to help our friend and Youth World team member, Brock Luginbill with a skating competition. Brock and Nancy have started a skate board ministry here in Quito.
For this big event he had professional skaters, Jud Heald and Jared Lee from the United States to judge the competition, do a demo, and share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with over 300 hundred people. Casa G had the opportunity to talk and pray with people who made a decision to follow Christ.
Love Alejandro's big smile - he was so excited to meet Jud and Jared!
It was a fun day to be all together.
Coming home after a long day at La Roca...
Looove seeing all these pictures and hearing the events... and praises from Quito! We miss all of you and counting down until we see you this summer!!! xoxo!