Friday, March 12, 2010

La Roca Skate Event

Casa Gabriel had the privilege to help our friend and Youth World team member, Brock Luginbill with a skating competition. Brock and Nancy have started a skate board ministry here in Quito.

For this big event he had professional skaters, Jud Heald and Jared Lee from the United States to judge the competition, do a demo, and share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with over 300 hundred people. Casa G had the opportunity to talk and pray with people who made a decision to follow Christ.

Love Alejandro's big smile - he was so excited to meet Jud and Jared!
It was a fun day to be all together.
Coming home after a long day at La Roca...

1 comment:

  1. Looove seeing all these pictures and hearing the events... and praises from Quito! We miss all of you and counting down until we see you this summer!!! xoxo!
