Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baptisms at the Beach

We went to the beach with Casa Gabriel and Jordan and Jefferson were baptized in the ocean.

Jordan, we are so proud of you that you want the world to know that you love Jesus with all of your heart. For your baptism, you shared with all of us your favorite verse - Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Getting ready for their baptisms

Out to the Pacific Ocean

Jefferson's turn

Rejoicing after the baptisms!!

A time of prayer for Jefferson and Jordan on the beach

We praise God for the privilege to be a part of Casa Gabriel. This was a special time to love and encourage one another, to laugh and have fun together, and to celebrate the baptisms of Jefferson and Jordan.


  1. i love seeing this... thanks for sharing them. we love you guys... lori

  2. Oh yeah! Best celebration photo ever. What a great thing we get to share. Sometimes - not often - I love technology. You guys take care, you are always in my prayers. Hooray for Jordan! Smooch, Lisa

  3. SO AWESOME!!!
    What a wonderful time in your family. I'm rejoicing with you guys!

